9 out of 10 guests check out the restaurant online before actually visiting it. Due to limited information on social media, they typically visit 3 pages on average or try to reach the waiter by phone . Why not continuously communicate with online visitors and encourage them to dine in without taking away the time of restaurant staff?
Learn more!
Manager, Marischka
"Unlike the restaurant systems we used before, at NeerY, they are open to our requests, and new improvements to enhance the functionalies week by week"
Owner, Digó pizzeria
"We have achieved a 400% increase in bookings with NeerY in just a few months. I think this speaks for itself. We love it"
Owner, Al Dente bistro
"I simply love this product!
NeerY helps to treat local customers in their native language."
Basic package
14.900 HUF
Reservation & reviews
Digitalized menu
Wolt integration
Picture upload
Instant modification, adding different prices
Highlighting dishes on the widget
Measurable traffic & incentives
Advertising costs per reservations
Timed discounts combined with reservations
NeerY AI assistant
Join our early testers
Guest communication is a time-consuming process, where the expectation for availability is constantly increasing. NeerY is among the first to introduce AI into guest communication.
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If you're already using a booking system, why would you switch?
Is it truly cancelable at any time?